Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Perfect Smile: Teeth Whitening Dos and Donts

Everyone wants the perfect smile and the perfect white teeth but it does come with responsibility. I wanted to touch on this area because I know I have tried various at home whiteners that well just did more damage than good. Here are some facts you should know.

1. If you are trying to whiten your smile make sure the whitening gel will not destroy your tooth enamel. 
2. Make sure the whitening gel has a solution or pre rinse that you can use prior to the gel
3. Do not go with the notion the more the better. When you put more than recommended it can damage your gum line with abrasions.
4. Find a complimenting agent to use after like a toothpaste that can compliment your product as well as the mouthwash.
5. Understand that at home whiteners are just a temporary fix and you should go to your dentist for a follow up cleaning and polishing.
6. You can remove tartar carefully with your at home plaque remover tools but keep in mind you must be patient and have a steady hand so you can remove access build up.
7. Always have your dental floss ready or Plackers the little hand held floss handy for those hard to reach spots.
8. Once you removed the build up with your plaque remover and floss follow up with Listerine ( Yellow ) to kill any bacteria.
9. If you are suffering from gum bleeding you should consult your dentist to get a medicinal mouth wash that will help you from bleeding and you must take this daily.
10. Love your teeth. Did you know your teeth is so important in our daily lives its not just for show. A healthy smile is a great thing to have. If you are a singer you must understand how healthy your mouth must be in order to sing without any issues . 

Smile more today than yesterday!
Toodles for Now,
Anaiyah Sunshine
The Miami Style Blog
"Where fashion is a Must!"

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